It is my opinion that year-round heartworm prevention does improve client compliance and the overall safety of the pet and the family.

My experience as a clinical veterinarian is that dog owners who stopped giving heartworm preventative compounds over the winter either starting giving the preventative late or did not give it all the following Spring. Since my hospital has switched to year-round protocols, I believe that compliance has increased. Also, many Veterinarians forget that pets travel to areas that harbor the heartworm parasite year-round.

The additional benefit of year-round protection in the heartworm product that we recommend at Mountain View Veterinary Hospital & Holistic Pet Care is the additional benefit of tempering and/or preventing intestinal human parasitics. Given that Round worms are zoonotic, it is prudent Veterinary Medicine to recommend year-round intestinal parasite prevention.

Dr. Sarah Kalivoda
Mountain View Animal Hospital & Holistic Pet Care
Reno, Nevada